Shopping on the Road

One of the joys of a road trip is the knowledge that just ahead is another antique mall.  I’m not the type who can spend lots of uninterrupted hours in a car, so I plan shopping stops along the way.  It usually works out to a thirty minute stop every hour or two, which is just right.

That plan went awry when I encountered the mega-mall above.  Can you tell from my photo that this place had twenty-two aisles?  After two hours in the place, I realized that I had to just skim the unbrowsed remainder, which was about one third of the building.   And because  of it I had to skip the next few stops.  Yes, the life of a vintage shopper is full of drama.

And now for what I liked, but did not buy:

This was just an ordinary novelty print blouse, cute, but take a look at the label.

A Jack Daniels Famous Original.  I’m quite sure it has nothing to do with the whiskey.

This was really cute, but made from the cheapest materials, like they would do for teen consumers.  Kate Spade ought to re-do this one in nicer materials.

This is from a straight skirt, embroidered with raffia.  I’ve seen circle shirts with this type embroidery, but never a straight one.

One seller had a stack of deadstock acrylic Boy Scout sweaters, probably from the 1970s.  If they had been wool I’d have bought one for myself.

I hate seeing military medals for sale all jumbled up this way, especially a Purple Heart.  It just seems to be so disrespectful.

One place had the absolute best idea for displaying paper items.  It was so much easier than flipping though a stack of stuff.

And there were lots of pretty things to see.

Do any of you remember these little snap button hair rollers?  My Great Aunt Mary used them.  Don’t believe that part about “pretty in the hair.”

This is “The College Girl at Basket-ball” a print Harrison Fisher did for the Ladies Home Journal around 1908.  Note how he made the bloomers look like a skirt.

And finally, women, this herb tonic was good for what was troubling you.  Note that the alcohol was purely for solvent and preservative purposes.



Filed under Road Trip, Shopping

24 responses to “Shopping on the Road

  1. I love when you take us shopping with you, Liz. Next best to being there.

    Speaking of shopping…I have had several people shop my vintage style mannequin heads from my web page… directly because of your mention in a past blog of yours. Thanks.


  2. I, for one, want to know where this heaven-on-earth is! Looks divine.


  3. I have never seen raffia embroidery on clothing…and I think I love it! Though I suppose it could be noisy and get crushed when you sit. Hm. Love the Boy Scout sweaters, too.


  4. After reading the news about the disrepect the purple heart medal was being given (ie, not earned) I am determined any time I see one for sale at a store, if I can afford it, I’m going to buy it and return it to the military since they can track its owner.
    But yeah, antique malls are my downfall too. I could spend most of my vacations in them if given the chance.


  5. I love random finds like these. Definitely one to note and comeback and visit again later when you have more time.

    I can so see Kate Spake reinventing that bag.


  6. I’ve seen some raffia embroidered items in my days digging through costume storage (blouses, hats, bags, belts…), but never a straight skirt! How interesting!

    And I love the cute bag! Thanks for sharing your shopping trip!


  7. Going green with envy…again! x


  8. Lin

    Wish I could buy that Egyptian Herb Tonic!


  9. I agree with Marge, I love it when you take us shopping with you. I don’t have a car (and don’t drive). I miss the days when I had antique-loving friends to go on road trips with (then again all those road trips is why my apartment is called “The House of Stuff” by my friends).
    Some etsy crafter should revive that cute bag.
    I’ve never seen paper displayed that way. Good idea!
    That Purple Heart reminded me of a man I heard about who researches recipients and returns medals to them or their families. I found this article:


  10. Traveling the vintage markets with you via online on a Saturday morning is so much fun! That teen purse is so clever – especially that little pocket.


  11. More about the embroidered skirt: It appears that it is Filipino in origin. Reader Edgertor wrote to say that a tourist shop in Manila called Tesoro’s made skirts like this. Here’s one she found that had been on etsy:


  12. Ruth

    I agree with the purple heart reply, but thought it was illegal (cold be wrong though.)? I remember my grandmother rolling my hair in those kind of rollers when I was a very little girl, and my aunt used them. They were somewhat painful as I remember. I even have the picture with “golden ringlets” a la Shirley Temple!


  13. Ruth

    Sorry, I meant illegal to resell purple heart awards, but I could be wrong about that. I’m not up on medal etiquette!


  14. Imelda

    12% alcohol only for solvent and preservative uses of course!!! It would sure make you feel better no matter what your ailment.


  15. So many cute things! Can’t wait to shop with you again 🙂


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