Vintage Miscellany – March 27, 2016

It’s too bad all photos aren’t date stamped like this one from 1946.  It sure takes the guess-work out of evaluating a vintage photo, but then it takes some of the fun out of it as well.

This weeks news:


Filed under Vintage Miscellany

9 responses to “Vintage Miscellany – March 27, 2016

  1. Susan Maresco

    Dear Lizzie–
    Thank you for posting the Guardian’s article about LEATHER. Who knew..?Although i could not read the whole thing because it made me gag, i am passing the word to any who will listen.


  2. No need to avoid leather fully–we are animals that require a certain amount of Vitamin B12, especially when young. So we need a certain number of animals out there for meat and dairy, really–unless we want to get all our B12 from brewer’s yeast or something!. Also, many of the great grasslands of the world require being grazed to be ecologically healthy. There is no inherent contradiction between leather and a sound environment.

    Leather also does not require cruelty; the trick is that good leather does not have blemishes that need to be covered by a coat of varnish (how patent leather is made, BTW). Those blemishes we call “scars” and imply a hard life or deliberate cruelty to the animal. It’s also worth noting that if the butchering process is done correctly–standard in the U.S. or kosher slaughter worldwide–the animal is unconscious in about 5 seconds or less. Contrast that with dying of disease or starving to death; it’s not a subtle difference, really.

    So if we choose good quality leather products–yes, this would exclude a LOT of mass market stuff and put us into a higher price point–we will end up with products that are better for the environment and less cruel to animals to boot.

    Really, the same applies for any garment–quality engineers note that abused workers don’t make good products because quality requires thinking.


    • I agree that as long as we eat beef, there are going to be by-products and there is no need to avoid them entirely. Cows are big, and consume lots of resources, and it is the over-production of leather that is disturbing, all to fuel the present human desire for new things.


  3. Jessamyn

    Sigh, Banana Republic! I grew up in Mill Valley, California, home of the first store. I loved going in there — into the ’80s it was a crazy mix of worldwide army surplus, slightly preppy new-made safari looks, and theme park.

    Even the reinvented Banana Republic was useful to me as an adult clothing shopper, since they had classic and retro clothes in nice fabrics that were more stylish than most stores for actual grownups, but their latest overhaul a year or two ago alienated me so much I didn’t even care when the store in the Asheville Mall closed — it was all a bunch of depressing gray sacks with no waists. I haven’t bothered with the outlet.


    • I didn’t even know the Asheville mall store closed! And I can only imagine how great the Mill Vallry store was. I loved to go to the stores in Atlanta and Charleston. It was like being plopped down in a 1940s movie based on a Hemingway novel!


  4. Always comprehensive food for thought, thank you!


  5. Great collection of articles! The leather piece was very interesting, but also a disturbing. I have always thought much of leather was the product of the beef industry too. I feel as if it is a catch-22. Because the alternative to leather would be pleather or “vegan leather” which is plastic…which isn’t great either. So the the look of leather would have to disappear from the fashion front entirely.

    The Trump article is one that needs to be discussed further in the public on this political front.

    And THANK YOU for that “Why is History Important” piece.


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