Girls at the Jersey Shore

I look at a lot of vintage photos, and it is pretty unusual to find an entire set from an occasion unless they are in an album.   Jim at was recently lucky enough to have a friend who put him onto these great photos, which are a record of a group of friends vacationing at Atlantic Beach in the late 1940s or early 50s.

It’s interesting to note what they photographed – lots of beach scenes, but no photos of the nightlife.  I guess they had a pact similar to one used by the folks in Las Vegas today:  “What happens in AC, stays in AC.”

I keep looking at the photos, trying to see if it is the same 4 gals, or if the photographer ever got her picture taken.  I’ve noticed the same problem with my group of friends when we travel.  I’m usually the only one with a camera, so I’m absent from all the photos.  That’s not necessarily a bad thing, because like these women, I have  shots taken in hotel rooms that occasionally have people in nightgowns and underwear.

These women would be in their 80s today.   I hope they are still friends, still traveling, still having fun.

Many thanks to Beth at, and Jim at


Filed under Summer Sports, Vintage Photographs

10 responses to “Girls at the Jersey Shore

  1. The motel ones are near and dear to my heart – what incredible finds! I especially love the one of the girl holding the pillows and her friends behind her, with blurred out faces. Wow.


  2. I’m so glad I was able to share these photos with you (and Jim!) They seemed like a treasure too good not to share. Happy times, healthy looking gals, sunshine, sand, smiles- what’s not to love!


  3. These are wonderful candid shots Lizzie. Thanks so much for sharing them. It’s always great to see a gal wearing lipstick – even on a casual day out!

    I’m intrigued with the guy in the second photograph (just to the left of the photo). Is he wearing a rather risque swimming costume under those shorts or do my eyes deceive me?


  4. Don’t you love their 2 piece looks in both swimsuits and play suits? I also noticed few sunglasses (or wide brimmed hats). Do you think sunglasses were too expensive to be popular?
    No dining or nightlife? I like to think that her purse was too small for the camera so she left it back at the motel.


    • It is odd about the lack of sunglasses and hats. Of course people were not very aware about the damage the sun could do, so unlike people today who won’t leave the house, much less go to the beach without full anti-sun armor. Still, sun hats and sunglasses from the 1940s are pretty commonly found today, so people were wearing them – just not the people in these photos!


  5. Oh these are wonderful. I’ve written two books about the REAL jersey shore, and I love seeing these kinds of photos.


  6. ciableu

    Great photos and a good reminder that when you encounter 80 year olds today remember they were once vibrant, young and pretty.


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