Paradise Kittens

I simply cannot think of this shoe brand without being reminded of my grandmother.   She was not a fashionable woman, and she was not concerned with fancy things, but she was a real stickler for quality.  Paradise Kittens was just the type of conservatively styled but well made clothing and shoes she insisted on.

I did a quick web search for the brand was was shocked to find that the brand is still around.  It is owned by Johansen, and the shoes are still conservative in styling, and quite unbelievably, still made in the USA.


Could there be a cuter shoe box?


Filed under Shoes

10 responses to “Paradise Kittens

  1. It’s always great to find a brand that’s still continuing today – and still made in your own country too! 🙂 The box is very cute.


  2. Whoa – does this take me back! Paradise Kittens were the cat’s meow (pardon the pun)!


  3. I saw one of these boxes at a friend’s shop! I thought it was too cute!



  4. Oh my! That is most definitely the cutest shoe box ever!


  5. Pingback: Paradise Platform Shoes, Late 1940s | The Vintage Traveler

  6. I buy Johansen shoes,and just ordered my first pair of Paradise Kittens, so I was happy to find your post. I would love it if they came in that box!!!


  7. Ann Eckhoff

    My father, Bob Eckhoff ,was the designer of Paradise Kittens from 1960 until they closed their doors in the early ’70’s. They were all-leather high-fashion heels and were manufactured in small factories in southern Missouri.


  8. Diane Guenther

    Ann Eckoff, my grandfather was Tom Wilkerson, I believe VP of sales. He was at Brauer Brothers since high school starting in inventory. His sister Helen worked there too in her younger years. As a child in the early to mid 60’s, I always had the latest stuffed Paradise kitten sitting on my made bed! I know these shoe boxes well, always seen in my grandma’s, mom’s and aunts’ closets! I remember hearing your dad’s name frequently around dinner table when my grandpa was talking about his business day! I recognized your name right off!


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