1930s Equestrienne Suit: Real Sports

I bought this riding suit some time ago, but have neglected writing about it.  Actually, I’ve been wanting some information about the label to fall into my lap, but that didn’t happen so I’ll have to hope this post brings around someone who knows about the brand.

What I do know (or, rather, guess) is that this suit is from the mid 1930s.  It is certainly before shoulders started to get puffy around 1937.  The buttons also look to be 1930s, as do the construction techniques.

The label is Real Sport: Breeches with the Masterseam.  I’ve seen the label before in men’s breeches, but this was the first time I’d seen it in a woman’s garment.  The masterseam refers to the center back seam of the breeches that could be adjusted for fit.

The fabric feels to be a rayon, but I have not tested it.  There is the possibility that it is wool.

That center back pleat adds to the mobility of the rider.

This is a leg, in case you can’t tell from the sideways photo.  The inner leg is a fine suede.  All the buttons are present; I just didn’t button them.

There is a lot of room in the upper legs.  So, would these be breeches, or are they jodhpurs?

The pants have a side-button closure.  From all my recent research on knickerbockers and breeches, it seems that women’s pants always opened on the side, while male pants always had a center fly.  It is possible that there are exceptions, but I have not found them.

You don’t think I need a horse to go with these, do you?

UPDATE:  I got an email from Lynne, web searcher extraordinaire, who found a 1935 ad showing my jacket with solid pants.  Thanks, Lynne!


Filed under Proper Clothing, Sportswear, Vintage Clothing

18 responses to “1930s Equestrienne Suit: Real Sports

  1. I do alterations for a charity that provides interview outfits for men and women. What I love most about men’s pants is that seam down the back that goes through the waistband, and I curse every time I come across a pair of women’s pants without it. So I am all for the masterseam on all pants everywhere!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. GREAT OUTFIT! Only thing missing is YOU in it and maybe that horse you mentioned. Go Lizzie !!!!

    All kidding aside….. I appreciated your photos showing all the details on this outfit. Also, the fact how timeless black and white checks are.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. These black and white checked jodhpurs are the cutest thing, especially with the black buttons and accents. It’s easy to imagine Ginger Rogers wearing this outfit with a little black riding hat, gloves and shiny boots (and Fred Astaire is somewhere in the background).


  4. I think you could/should wear these while standing around with a glass of champagne or cocktail of your choice. No horse required! (Unless you wanted one, of course.)


  5. breeches( so I was informed in riding school) are fuller and ended just below the knee – jodhpurs are these -fitted and ending below – the – knee…with the suede guard patch -that did not irritate the horse and saved the rubbing of the fabric. Thus…the boot would be different-some worn with fuller breeches had a knee guard. F I T perhaps would have that info.. Certainly one of the Equestrienne schools / Foundations. The history of riding clothes has always fascinated me. I personally love it-transformed into sportswear. In the end., maybe they are one in the same? I LOVE this outfit!


  6. Christina

    These are breeches. Breeches finish mid-calf. Jodhpurs finish around the ankle.


  7. Lizzie, all I am dredging up from childhood English jumping classes is that something in a check like this was very, very casual riding attire. Show or hunt or even local gymkhana wear was solid color light buff or cream breeches and navy or black jackets. This is very sporty. More hacking around the countryside than town. That and the leather patches at the inner knees never touched the horse, but only the saddle , and were meant to protect the breeches at their greatest wear point while posting at a trot or gripping during a canter.


    • Personally, I appreciated ALL the comments about Jodhpurs. Breeches and the proper equestrian attire….but I recently returned from The National High School Rodeo in Wyoming and observed the attire of present day horse lovers as tight jeans with rhinestone pockets, plaid shirts, beautiful leather boots … ALL wearing cowboy hats and all adorable.
      Both fashions are beautiful and appreciated…Isn’t that what”s “cool” about fashion.


  8. Tanya Tabachnikoff

    My sister and I just did a search for “Real Sport” because we were telling her 9-year-old daughter, who is learning how to sew, about her great great grandfather Sam Caplin. Sam came to Brooklyn through Ellis Island with nothing around 1910 and got a job at a clothing factory. With no place to live, he slept on a stack of material. He worked his way up and ended up owning his own clothing company, patented his idea for padded riding pants, and created his own line of clothing called “Real Sport,” which we have been told was comparable to today’s Ralph Lauren.


  9. Tanya


    Is this suit available for sale, by any chance?

    Tanya Tabachnikoff


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