Vintage Miscellany – December 4, 2016

I found several photos of this 1920s woman on a horse.  She’s not in typical riding attire, as she could be dressed for almost any outdoor activity with her breeches and socks, and what looks to be a sweater or knit jacket.  Click on the photo to see the details a bit clearer.

And now for the news…


Filed under Vintage Miscellany

14 responses to “Vintage Miscellany – December 4, 2016

  1. I tried to get a closeup of her boots. I swear they are from the 70s. Maybe the 80s. How cool is that. Or does it merely reflect how little time she has spent outdoors in 20 years — not enough to justify replacing those old things?


  2. Sandy

    I’ve enjoyed your posts, knowledge and wonderful effort to seek out new material, even the most obscure articles. I know this is your own site, however I dislike the Trump bashing. I will be sad to leave this great source of information if the slant remains political.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I can’t see that he’s being bashed at all. I’m merely reporting the news concerning his promise to return manufacturing to the US. And I thought the tie thing was simply funny.

      Liked by 1 person

    • stephy4030

      I feel the same way…….. I can’t explain it, I have followed you for a long long time. I would just rather not know where you stand politically cause I am so dang passionate about my Country, not passionate about Trump per say but hopefully what can happen to this Country if conservative principles are applied. He is just a man but again it just rubs me the wrong way. :(…….


      • I’m beginning to truly understand what experts mean when they say people who use the internet tend to form a bubble around themselves. Meaning, as humans we like to associate with people who agree with us; birds of a feather, and all that.

        As I stated two weeks ago, my purpose in posting links about the president-elect is not politically motivated. The issue of off-shore production of clothing and textiles is one I simply cannot ignore. (As a side note, I actually think his idea of tariffs is a good one.)

        Perhaps it is my critical language which some find objectionable. I’ve used the same tone with others in the the public eye (Kayne West, Andrew Bolton…) with not a single complaint. Again, it must have to do with agreeing on the message.

        I will continue to link to any articles concerning the president-elect and clothing. If I were to stray from that narrow limitation of topic, then I wouldn’t blame anyone for not reading.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Marilise

    I’m no expert on U.S. labor history, but as I recall, workers (in any industry) had to form unions to better their wages and working conditions. It isn’t where manufacturing is located so much as it is the ability of workers to band together in unions to force changes for better working conditions and pay.


    • The history of labor unions in the US is a complicated one, but basically what you are saying is correct. The problem is that the textile industry (and others I would guess) has a nasty habit of leaving an area once wages and conditions start to improve due to organizing by workers.

      The US textile and clothing industry was first established in the Northeast, where the fall line provided power and farm girls the labor. Once the industry grew and European immigrants were supplying much of the labor, the move to unionize (and people’s horror at incidents like the Triangle Factory fire) grew, and those states were forced to pass laws protecting workers.

      That’s when the textile industry started first “out-sourcing” – to the American South. The South was still recovering from the Civil War and Reconstruction, and people were willing to work for much lower wages. Some Northern factories completely dismantled, brick by brick, and moved to the non-union South. Efforts to unionize the area were met with violence.

      Textile jobs in the South gradually improved due to national legislation, and the slow growth of unions. But then, as happened 80 years prior, the industry realized they could manufacture more cheaply in Central America. From there the industry has hop scotched around the world in search of people desperate for jobs who are willing to work in the most dreadful of conditions.

      So, you can see how difficult it is to “force” the clothing and textile industries to produce ethically. Add to that the mistrust of labor unions in this country. Many people in the South have learned the hard way that unionization often leads to the loss of a job.

      I could go on and on…


  4. So thin skinned…as this is YOUR site .. and we are still free (at the moment) to speak our minds .. I’m passionate about our freedom to do so… please carry on expressing yourself, sharing information and being unafraid to do do and most of us are ever so grateful to you for it. We can choose to read or not. Perhaps though you should give a trigger warning if you intend to say anything that could possibly offend anyone anywhere at anytime in any possible way. We are all such delicate flowers you know.


  5. Well, the president elect and his family happen to be people who are in the business of making money off clothing that they have manufactured (cheaply) in other countries. That is a topic that Lizzie posts about here all the time, and it’s quite ridiculous to think she would not continue to do so just because he is the president (elect).

    The funny thing about that tie story . . . when I first saw it, my thought was “oh yes, its the *tie* that shows his lack of gravitas.” But then I thought a little longer and realized that the tape on the tie is actually a thing Trump’s fans would find appealing. Just like Hillary’s “old clothes” for hiking, it makes him look more like a “regular” guy. Many people are saying that Hillary could have helped herself by appearing more “regular” (some might read that as “genuine”) during the election, as she has in the brief glimpses we’ve seen of her afterwards. We all know that neither Donald nor Hillary are “regular people;” both are rich as heck and live in a world very far from the reality of most Americans. But the things a candidate wears and the way they present themselves can put forth a lot of meaning to voters.

    It is interesting and heartening to me that Bernie Sanders, a kinda schlubby guy in a suit with messy hair, who maybe didn’t exactly exude charm, but who spoke non-stop about his policies, was so appealing to millennials.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Manufacturing is slowly creeping back in here in the UK – garments as well as fabric – so there’s no reason why it couldn’t pick up again in the US. It’ll probably never return to what it was, but it can revive a bit.

    That skating routine is completely wrong.


  7. So many interesting pieces here, I could go on! But honestly, I want to read more about Hilary’s closet!


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