Vintage Shopping, Hendersonville, NC

I lived in Hendersonville for a short time in 1977, but I still drive the forty-five minutes it takes me just so I can take donations to my favorite thrift store.  It’s the Blue Ridge Humane Society, and they do a great job with their shop, which includes a vintage section with reasonable prices.

Last week the corner of my basement that holds the donation pile was full to over-flowing, so we packed up the car and off I went to drop  off the items.  I like going to Hendersonville because there are several nice thrifts, and enough antique stores to keep me busy for an afternoon.

I spotted the swing coat above in one of them, a nice piece, but it was the lining that really caught my attention.

It was a print giving the time in various cities around the world: Paris, Baghdad, New York, Cairo…

Who knew that pith helmets came in pink? No doubt, this must be the special girl’s edition.

This is a display piece from a 1920s soda fountain, and is about three feet long.  What really interested me was the aviatrix you can see through the window.

I loved this label which was in a man’s wool plaid jacket.

Have you seen this rick-rack trick?   The blue and the white were woven together, and then a crocheted edging was added.

This is false advertising.  I can attest to the fact that terriers do NOT do laundry.  Or at least mine does not.


Filed under North Carolina, Shopping

14 responses to “Vintage Shopping, Hendersonville, NC

  1. You have a good eye,Liz…for finding interesting things. Do you think that coat was hand made by some seamstress.? Seems like I had one with sleeves live that and were to be folded up in huge cuff. Kind of 3/4 sleeve length. I do love the lining.

    I abelieve I have been to art/craft show in downtown Hendersonville a long long time ago.


  2. What a nice store. I am at this moment adding to my donate pile. Too many clothes that I don’t wear or can’t sell! Out out out I say.


  3. Wow! That is a neat lining!

    And I am seriously swooning over the pink pith!


  4. S Geiger

    Monday was washing, Tuesday was ironing, what did we do the rest of the week until Friday which was grocery shopping?


  5. Oh, that coat! And just perfect for a Vintage Traveler. 🙂


  6. I am a big supporter of Humane Societies too. I just published a humor book titled Kitty Cat Positions Home and Afield. I sell it at Humane Society events and donate $5.00 of each sale to them. Have a look at it on my web site. Hope it gives you some laughs!


  7. I have an old sewing booklet that tells how to do embellishments with rick rack. It has the woven trims and lots of really cute things done with rick rack. You may see the woven rick rack trim on baby pillow cases and aprons.. Otherwise, you find small rolls of it in antique and thrift stores. But not often! . It is a fun thing to do!


  8. Teresa

    Hahaha! My beagle never does the laundry for me either. 😉

    Love the lining in that coat.


  9. I didn’t know you were so close to Hendersonville! What a small world. We live about 45 minutes away from there too and also love the Humane Society Thrift Store. There is one in Brevard too which isn’t too terribly far from Hendersonville. Every now and then, my daughter and I love going for a drive in the mountains and we always stop at both places. Some of my favorite vintage finds have come from those little mountain towns.


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