Vintage Shopping: Sporty Finds

The weather this winter has been very unpredictable and so I’ve had quite a few plans cancelled, but then other opportunities have arisen.  I try to fit in vintage shopping especially when I’m out of town, and I recently took a bloodhound to rescue in Georgia, I had a visitor from out of town who wanted to hit a few antique stores, and I had a bit of business in a small town that I rarely visit.  It’s always fun to compare what is found in  other places compared to my usual haunts.

I guess lots of sellers have had the Olympics on their minds, as I’ve seen a lot of great winter sports themed items.  The George Barbier ski print above is a newer reproduction of a 1920s print.  That explains the $8 price sticker.

I don’t know the proper name for this type of picture, but the black silhouette is printed on the back of the glass, and the snow and mountain are printed on the paper backing.

This is a table surface from a 1939 Genco pinball machine.  Someone took it apart, and now it is ready to hang on the wall.

Here is the ultimate vintage cold weather coat – the Hudson’s Bay Company point blanket coat.  I bet this one is from the early 1960s when “Chanel” style jackets were so popular.  And what a great project idea.

Other sports items were found as well.  These wonderful hiking or outing boots are probably from the early 1920s.

And speaking of outings, here are two wind-up record players in travel cases.  In Sabrina, Humphrey Bogart used one like the smaller model on the right to woo Audrey Hepburn with long out of style recordings.

For people going a bit farther afield, here are two little Limoges boxes shaped like suitcases.  I’d love to have seen inside them, as these boxes often hold a little surprise.

This is a blank sample for an advertising calendar.

And in another example of women golfers being a useful sales motif, I found this great candy box.  And be sure to admire the Scottie box as well.

Tomorrow, more shopping photos.


Filed under Shopping

20 responses to “Vintage Shopping: Sporty Finds

  1. Some great photos as ever ! I spent the afternoon Thrifting yesterday !


  2. Rarely am I so captivated by just about everything! The wonderful pinball ‘table’ has remarkable designs, the gorgeous high top laced boots are too perfect, and the Limoge little suitcases (so sweet), while the rest are fun to see, I never find things like that around here anymore (sigh).


    • It is so nice knowing people who appreciate this stuff the way I do! The Limoges boxes were a bit of a bargain, and I guess I should have at least asked to see the insides. Perhaps I will on my next trip to that shop.


  3. Thanks for sharing these wonderful treasures Lizzie. 🙂


  4. Did you buy or just look?


  5. Wow! What great treasures! I love that HBC blanket translated into fashion of nearly every decade and so well!


  6. Great finds and I love that sample calendar illustration.


  7. LOVE that Chanel blanket coat! Hmmm…do I have to make one of those now?


  8. If I was rich I would just hire you to shop for me – you find the GREATEST things!


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