I Live to Inspire

From time to time I’ve been lucky enough for other bloggers to nominated me for a blogging award.  I usually just say thanks and go along my way, but this time I’ve decided to follow part of the rules and tell seven things about myself.  I’ve never done this because I guess there are not seven things I’ve not already shared here, but I’m going to try and come up with them.  Thanks for the award, Janey of Atomic Redhead.

1.  My love of travel comes from reading Heidi over and over when I was a child.  I wanted to live on that mountain in Switzerland with Heidi and the grandfather and the goats.  I read everything I could get my hands on about Switzerland.  And my first trip abroad was to Switzerland.  I was not disappointed.

2.  I hated school as a kid.  I was just a bit too questioning of authority, and thus did not always get along with my teachers.  What makes that odd is that I willingly spent 28 years of my adult life in a classroom.  I hated being a student, but loved being a teacher.  I think it had something to do with power.

3.  My grandfather got mad at me and my cousin Sandra once and chased us across the street into the neighbor’s yard.  At the time he was wearing nothing but his underwear.

4.  My favorite travel companion is myself.  I love to just get in the car and explore without having to worry about what anyone else is wanting to do.  (Though I do love traveling with my husband and my friends as well.  It’s just that they are not fashion history nuts and vintage shoppers like me.)

5.   I bought my first vintage item when I was in high school.  It was a 1920s beaded handbag.  It came from the estate sale of my grandparents’ neighbor, and I paid 25 cents for it.  And, yes, I still have it.  I also still lament over the other bags I did not buy that day.

6.   I have an great sense of direction, and I always know exactly where I am.  I hate GPS, but love, Love, LOVE maps.

7.   I once got locked in a museum and I had to break out.  Really.

The other rule for this award is to award it to seven more blogs, but I’m a rule-breaker and can’t do it.  Look at my bloglist.  All those bloggers are inspiring writers, so visit them.


Filed under Viewpoint

34 responses to “I Live to Inspire

  1. Danette

    LOVE this!!


  2. A well deserved award — and you DO inspire!


  3. Oh, we could be such good friends in real life.


  4. tis true…you ARE inspiring! congrats!


  5. I am so glad you went through with this! I’m never offended if people don’t go through with the award process, what mattered the most to me was sharing blogs that really do inspire me, and you are one of those.

    The notion of being locked in a museum sound fantastic! Also, number three really made me giggle!


    • Actually it was kind of scary because I was afraid I’d be caught and arrested! I was able to escape through a courtyard and by climbing over an 8 feet wall, in a dress.


  6. Have you ever travelled to the southern hemisphere? I also have a great sense of direction BUT it doesn’t work in the northern hemisphere! Obviously the position of the sun is part of my sense of direction, because when I’m in your hemisphere everything seems back to front. I find out I’m heading west when I thought I was going east, for example. It’s very disconcerting!


  7. Of course you grew up to be an inspiring blogger, after getting locked in a museum…:)

    Congrats on the very well deserved award, indeed, and it was fun learning more about you!


  8. Congratulations Lizzie! You are a real inspiration. Thank you for sharing your stories and treasures. I always look forward to the next installment. Best wishes for 2014! Keep ’em coming!. 🙂 xxx


  9. Such a sweet and open post. And some day, I vow we will go shopping together!


  10. This is the perfect kind of blogging award for you! Your blog is constantly inspiring and teaching me. Thank you for sharing all that you do!

    And such an interesting list of things about you – I’m dying to hear the extended version of being locked in a museum!


  11. John

    You are such a darling… AND very deserving for the award. I, too, travel alone when vintage hunting so I can truly contemplate the item’s uniqueness and hear the story it’s trying to tell. There is one, however, whom I’d love to explore with…. you!! Many hugs of congratulations.


  12. John

    PS… Here is a present you can give us every 6 months… How about if you suddenly announce a spontaneous vintage “group hunt” in various North American locations (yes, Canadians love you too). Name the date, time and place, then meet your ‘groupie’ inspired friends. Oh, we want more stories too!


  13. Another vote here for more details on that escaping the museum story! I love it.

    Happiest of holidays to you and yours, Lizzie. You are, without a doubt, one of the bloggers I find most inspiring.


  14. Lizzie, thank you for sharing the 7 things about you, because I am fairly new to your blog and I loved it! What I love about your writing is that it is the perfect length to read when the posts come out, not too long to where you save it for later and then don’t have time to read it. Yours I always have time to read :o) julia


    • Julia, I’ve read that writers begin to lose people after about 1000 words. Like you, I have a tendency to save longer passages for a later that often never comes. That’s why if I have a lot to say about a topic I divide it into several posts.


    • John

      I seond that! I get blogs from all directions, but there is ALWAYS time to read those from Lizzie! (even if I am often green with envy at all the amazing things she finds!)


  15. There are many future blog posts in these facts about you (and I too love traveling alone – I miss it a lot!). Happy holidays!


  16. Okay, since my arm was twisted, here is a longer version of the museum mishap.

    My husband and I were in a museum in Santa Fe, and it was nearing closing time. We somehow ended up in a room where the door closed behind us. As we tried to leave, realizing it was time for the museum to close, we found that the door was locked. But there was a door to the outside, so we just went through it. Unfortunately, it was an enclosed garden that was surrounded by a high adobe wall, and so we decided to go back inside and pound on the door.

    But, we couldn’t get back inside because the outside door had locked. The only way out was over the wall. Somehow Tim hoisted me up to the top of the wall which I remember as being ten feet tall but was probably closer to eight. I was terrified that someone would see me and think I was trying to break *in* instead of *out*! And to top it off, I had on a short skirt and I’m sure that anyone who happened to pass by would see not London nor France, but my underpants.

    I somehow survived to drop down the other side without breaking anything and ran to the front door of the museum just as the guard was locking up. I had to explain that my poor husband was locked in the garden, and so he let me in, we rescued Tim, and then we were free and set off to the nearest bar to calm our nerves.

    Thanks to everyone for all the sweet comments!


  17. Nice learning so many new things about you.


  18. Looking forward to more stories in the coming year. Looking forward to learning new things as I do every time I read what you share with us. You’re more than deserving of an award, Lizzie. However, don’t let it go to your head and start charging us for content . I, too, want to go shopping with you in all your familiar haunts. Feels like you’re just a hop, skip, and jump away! Happy New Year to you, dear Lizzie, and all your extended readership.


  19. “However, don’t let it go to your head and start charging us for content.”…..said with great humor and a wink….in case it doesn’t read that way!


  20. Pingback: The Beatles in America, 1964 | The Vintage Traveler

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